Best to Test...
Working Alone Procedure Check List

Like monthly tests of the elevator, checking 'actual results', builds a culture of safety.

Things change as staff changes, clients change and the work to be done changes.

Eventually, everyone thinks they remember, so it is best to test and know what people involved will really do.

Instead of just going through the motions all experience how they fit with and depend on each other.

The process of checking performance helps identify any changes that reduce dependability.
Changed phone numbers, email spam traps, or phones no longer answered after hours, are a few examples.
Testing also identifies incomplete results.

All staff want those working alone to have help when needed but even the best of intent does not assure results.

1. Identify a time the test can be run.
This can be during regular work hours or outside of them.
Regardless, all involved should be advised, so they know what to expect.
The goal is to confirm the mechanics of the organizations work alone policies and processes.

2. At the prearranged time, process and record the expected and actual activities for each worker.
From starting the session through to no response by the worker the session is for.
Logging the times of contact allows comparison between tests and observe trends in any delay.

3. Run at least one additional test for each work alone worker that requests immediate assistance.
Again, record the times from the initial request through to time actual support arrives at the WorkAlone site.

4. Gather the logging done during the tests. Compare the results for each worker against the other workers to identify issues that caused delay or that resulted in faster response.
An eye to help those required to provide support, is a good focus attention.

5. Compare the current results to prior tests. Discuss these, together with observations by workers and active measures support workers to improve speed, reliability or simplify interaction.